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Bush Lake Chapter

Izaak Walton League of America

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Membership Application

UPDATE:  2024 Chapter Membership is now closed - membership limit has been reached. 

If you fully support our organization's natural resources conservation mission and if you can help advance our organization's natural resources conservation mission, please consider joining our Chapter in 2025, during the open enrollment period (until we are at our membership limit)! 

You can still join in 2024 at the National-only or National & Minnesota-Division level (see www.iwla.org), but our Chapter's 2024 membership period is now closed.  Thank you for your interest!

Our Chapter relies heavily on the volunteer involvement and dedication of Chapter Members to help us with Chapter Activities and meeting our organization's mission/reason for existence.  Chapter Members are expected to volunteer for at least two Chapter-identified activities in 2024 (minimum of four hours of volunteer time), unless there is an individual volunteer-exemption from the Chapter.  Reporting one's 2024 Chapter Volunteer Activities will be the responsibility of the Chapter Member, on your "Membership Profile" on the Chapter's website.

If you would like to just join the National Organization, and not the Bush Lake Chapter, you can visit www.iwla.org

If you would like to join at the Minnesota Division (& National IWLA) level, and not the Bush Lake Chapter, you can join the "Gopher Chapter" here (on the Minnesota Division - IWLA website)

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