Virtual Program. Free & Open to the Public
Click here to join the meeting at 6:30 pm
Join us for an exciting evening of conservation!
- Get the Lead Out Presentation by Carrol Henderson (see below)
- What You Can Do by the Bush Lake Chapter
Carrol Henderson will present on lead poisoning in wildlife and strategies for increasing the use of nontoxic fishing tackle and ammunition. Carrol Henderson is the retired DNR Nongame Wildlife Program supervisor who served in that capacity from 1977 to 2018.
Since 1977, Carrol Henderson has been recognized for his
accomplishments in developing and implementing a statewide program for nongame wildlife conservation in Minnesota that has received national and international recognition. During his service in charge of the Nongame Wildlife Program he initiated projects for the reintroduction of Trumpeter Swans, River Otters, and collaborated on the reintroduction of Peregrine Falcons, conservation of Bluebirds, research on Bald Eagle lead poisoning, and contaminant studies on Common Loons resulting from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Carrol is the author or coauthor of 13 books which have sold over 300,000 copies. All the royalties from his DNR books have gone to the Nongame Wildlife Program.
Topic: Get the Lead Out Program, via ZOOM
Time: Oct 6, 2021 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 829 7012 5046