IWLA Website
IWLA Minnesota Division
Volunteers Needed! We need your help as we are hosting the State Division. Can you make a dish, donate some food, or help host? Please contact John Crampton if you can help out! Email: jcrampt48@gmail.com
More Info on the MN Division Meeting can be found here: http://www.minnesotaikes.org/Izaak/meetings.html
January 29 - Friday evening 7:00 - 9:30 PM Wine & Cheese & Beer get-together Minnesota Valley Chapter, 6601 Auto Club Rd., Bloomington, MN 55438, (952)944-1423
January 30 - Saturday All Saturday events at: REI-Bloomington, 750 W American Blvd.
10:am-4:30pm Division Meeting & Strategic Planning
7:00 Program – TBD
Program Description:
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