by Louise Segreto, Chapter Historian
Izaak Walton (1594-1683) was an English author and fisherman-philosopher who wrote the book “The Compleat Angler”. This inspirational forward thinking book, first published in 1653, is much more than just a fishing and natural history manual. It is a timeless philosophical guide on how to live in harmony with nature. Walton approached fishing as an environmental, social and spiritual experience. He believed that the natural world is so precious and complex that all of us have a moral duty and obligation to work together to understand and preserve it. Walton was an early idea leader for conservation and environmental justice. His strong environmental ethic espoused in “The Compleat Angler” is as relevant today as it was over 364 years ago. Free eBook downloads of “The Compleat Angler” are available at:
Watch our Newsletter for an upcoming Chapter event to discuss this influential book sometime in the Fall of 2017!