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Bush Lake Chapter

Izaak Walton League of America

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2023 Bush Lake Chapter Awards

11/14/2023 6:30 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Since 2017 we have been giving out awards to our members and others for their outstanding contributions to the Chapter and conservation. Below is a list of the awards, the award winners, and their contributions. To view the awardees from 2017-2022, Click Here

Bush Lake Chapter IWLA Awards 2023

1) Chapter Volunteer of the Year Award- for member with outstanding contributions to the chapter in 2023

This year’s Chapter Volunteer of the Year Award goes to Glenn Corliss- John Crampton stole/recruited Glenn from the Minnesota Valley Chapter. We don’t think Glenn has missed a volunteer event in the 3 years he’s been a member. He has a can-do attitude, is quick to lend a hand, and is a great guy to work with. We know that Glenn stays busy with other volunteering too, so we appreciate his dedication to the Ikes and our Chapter. Thanks Glenn!

2) Gordy Bratsch Award- This award is named after our old neighbor, Gordy Bratsch, who was the “unofficial caretaker”- he was committed to keeping Bush Lake clean and the Chapter running smoothly. This award is given to a member that contributes to the chapter and the environment, year after year.

It is fitting that we give this year’s Gordy Bratsch award to Steve Dale, as Steve was also neighbors with Gordy, and could probably share some stories! Steve is our neighbor up the road and has been for many years. Steve always donates food and drink for our events that help sustain our volunteers. He can always be counted on to support our mission and our conservation programs. Steve is also a great neighbor of the lake and has a very large native prairie and shoreline buffer that is maintained, so it can thrive and provide habitat for pollinators and other wildlife, while protecting water quality in the lake. Steve is kept busy with his two young grandsons that live next door to him, along with his daughter Katie and her husband Patrick. Thanks for being a great member and neighbor, Steve!

3) Public Good Award- Award given to non-profit, city or public staff or elected officials for their outstanding contributions to water quality, conservation, and the environment.

This year’s Public Good Award goes to the Friends of Minnetonka Parks. This is recently formed group has already done tremendous work restoring public parks in Minnetonka and advocating for wildlife habitat and conservation, and educating the public on these important topics. They have been able to build community support and engage many volunteers in restoring public land in Minnetonka. I encourage you to check out their cool website where they restoration resources, volunteer events, and more. The Bush Lake Chapter would like to thank the Friends of Minnetonka Parks for their incredible efforts in restoring and preserving public lands for people and wildlife alike.

4) Bush Lake Commitment to Conservation Award- Given to an individual or organization inside or outside the organization that has contributed to restoration, habitat, and conservation in Minnesota.

This year’s Bush Lake Commitment to Conservation Award goes to Dan Shaw.  Dan is the go to guy for all things restoration ecology in Minnesota. Many of the practices and restoration methods we have used on our Chapter property, Dan had something to do with.

For the Board of Water and Soil Resources and the State of Minnesota, Dan is the Senior Ecologist and Vegetation Specialist. He also teaches ecology courses at the University of Minnesota. He has written and illustrated several ecology-focused publications. He has helped to create and coordinate numerous conservation programs, focusing on native vegetation, invasive species management, pollinator habitat, habitat-friendly solar, water management and climate resiliency. He has taught many students who you can now find working as professionals in the field, restoring land and water throughout the state. One of Dan’s most recent and most successful programs is Lawns to Legumes, which encourages Minnesotans to provide pollinator habitat in their own backyards. Dan is a legend in the conservation and botany world in Minnesota.  We are all better off, and our cherished natural resources are much better off, thanks to Dan, his hard work, and his commitment to conservation.

5) Youth Conservation Award- Awarded to youth for their outstanding contributions to the Chapter, conservation, or the environment.

This year’s Youth Conservation Award goes to Camille Morton. Camille is a freshman at Purdue University. She is the founding President of the Minnesota River Valley’s Green Crew. She currently serves on the Minnesota Valley’s Board of Directors. She co- chaired a committee for the Minnesota Division and was appointed as Minnesota Valley Chapter’s representative to the Minnesota Division Board.

Camille was one of three Green Crew members who attended this summer’s national convention in Nebraska. In her presentation, she challenged attendees to add youth to their chapter, state and national leadership teams.

For outstanding character, dedication and volunteer leadership, Camille truly deserves the 2023 Bush Lake Izaak Walton League Youth Conservation Award.

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